Best Review Ever!
When Quinn Lord who plays Sam in Trick r Treat loves your work, you put that on your website!!!

Hey all, I'm Alicia! I am the Artist behind all the Accessories, while my father, Bob, is the Artist behind the Stained Glass Pieces. My love for horror started at a young age when most weekends my parents and I strolled down to Blockbuster and we would choose 3 movies My choice, my mom's choice, and the my dad's choice. I would always fall asleep at the end of my movie, my mom would follow suit during hers, leaving my dad awake for his pick which was usually horror. At some point in my childhood I started waking up during my dads horror movies and watched with him.
Unfortunately, this weekend ritual ended when we lost my mother to lung cancer in 2009. Following this devastating loss my father took on his battle with lung cancer in 2013 and won! After all life's struggles my father and I continued to have adventures, trying new things and watching horror movies! When we discovered our first horror convention in 2014 and fell even harder in love with the horror life.
Since then I have tried out different art piece and products with the goal of being a vendor at a convention. Finally an idea for Christmas gifts for my horror loving besties became my niche! Selling hand-painted Konverse to friends of friends, co-workers, and on social media doing well enough to expand and finally build my own online store! Of course how can I sell horror art alone? I can't! I need the man that created this horror loving monster! My equally talented dad! So here we are! And we are so ecstatic that you found us and hope you like what you see!